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The Liars Club Oddcast

A bunch of people who make stuff up for a living, interviewing other people who make stuff up for a living. All while drinking beer and wine in the middle of the day. What could possibly go wrong? Join us for a lively round of lies and exaggerations featuring everyone from NY Times Bestselling authors to National Book Award finalists to debut novelists, screenwriters, actors and more. Hosted by The Liars Club. Sorry, not responsible for the truthiness of any content, because, Liars. Pants currently on fire. Ouch.

Dec 3, 2020

Wendy Tyson is a lawyer, former therapist and the author of 11 books, including the bestselling Greenhouse Mystery Series, as well as numerous short stories. This week, she talks about her work with the International Thriller Writer Organization (ITW), incorporating environmental issues into her work, and her latest book, SOWING MALICE, with Oddcast cohosts Jon McGoran, Gregory Frost, Merry Jones, Fran Wilde and Keith Strunk.